There is still a wide selection of items available from our very extensive update
on Dezember 17th 2024; please don't miss the categories with Literature
and Mining Artifacts (= Bermännische Gegenstände)!

Have furthermore fun and good luck browsing!


For our offers and for the shipping costs please refer to the page "zu den aktuellen Lampen".


Mining lamps for sale by Detlev Seel


Dear collecting friends and people interested in mining,


I am glad to welcome you on my website. My name is Detlev Seel; I should be known to some collectors as a dealer selling at the large mining lamps fairs.

Starting this site means finally the realization of a project planned since years.

Here I will give you the possibility to buy mining lamps online.

I was able to win Hans-Joachim Weinberg as an administrator, who is known to Germann collectors as “Karbidlampen-Papst” (pope for carbide lamps). So with regards to content a high quality of the website shall be guaranteed.

On our website we are offering original lamps as well as other mining artefacts. Reproductions and replicas will be explicitely identified. The pictures provided show exactly the item offered and are a major part of the description; due to technical reasons colour deviations may be possible. The site will be updated often, so please have a look here from time to time. Unfortunatedly the pictures cannot be increased at the moment; our provider has promised to remedy this deficiency as soon as possible.


The descriptions of all items are in German language. If you are interested in a special item, an English translation can be provided by request. The Lamps offered are normally used and are offered as collectors items and not as objects of utility. If you intend to use a special lamp, then please ask if it might be usable before you make a purchase.


As the offered lamps and artefacts are single pieces, the offer is non-binding. Orders are carried out in the sequence of receipt. So if more then one single person oders one item, it will be sold to him who’s written order gets in at first.


Lamps or artefacts that are of interest for you, can be temporarely saved on a cart by clicking the shopping cart icon that you will find on the page with the description of the article. Having finished your tour on our site, you can have a look at your listed items by visiting the shopping cart and make a decision, if you want to order one or more lamps. There you  will also find a contact form for your order. Binding orders can please only be made via contact form.

Shipping fees are added to the commodity price; please don’t pay before you have got our eMail with an attached invoice as a pdf file. When payment has reached our account, the ordered items will be sent. For customers outside Germany it is possible to use PayPal for payment.


If you like our offers, we would be pleased if you would recommend our site to fellow collectors.


Our offers will be updated in irregular intervals. Collectors known to us will get an information via newsletter in case of such an update. To be admitted in our mailing list please send us a notice using the contact form at the bottom of this page.Shipping will only be done in trackable manner. You are entitled to return bought lamps within 14 days after they have reached you. Details are shown in our business conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen).


Lamps and artefacts offered here originate mainly from collections that are reduced, cancelled or changed with regards to content. If you should think about disposing of mining artefacts or lamps, please be so kind to get in touch with us.


We want to offer a reliable place to the friends of mining artefacts. If there should be mistakes with regards to content, we would be please to get constructive criticism.


In this spirit we hope you will enjoy browsing through our site.


 „Glück Auf“ ,


Detlev Seel and Hans-Joachim Weinberg


Addendum: According to a new law in the European Union we are obliged to suppyl the following link for online-mediation of possible conflicts:

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